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101 NRA Basics of  Pistol Shooting - Blended - This is a blended online and live range course that teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol and revolver safely. The course includes online training through the NRA online training website and range instruction.  It also provides the participants with pistol knowledge and safe gun handling, ammunition knowledge, pistol shooting fundamentals, shooting positions, and shooting sports and activities. This course meets WV concealed carry training requirements.   Time: 10 hours (6 hours online)     Target audience: Individuals who are legally able to own and use pistols. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 


102 NRA Basics of  Pistol Shooting - Instructor Led- This is onsite classroom and live range course that teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol and revolver safely.  It also provides the participants with pistol knowledge and safe gun handling, ammunition knowledge, pistol shooting fundamentals, shooting positions, and shooting sports and activities. This course meets WV concealed carry training requirements.   Time: 8 hours    Target audience: Individuals who are legally able to own and use pistols. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

103 I.C.E. Handgun Shooting Course  - This course builds on the basic fundamentals of pistol shooting and the basic pistol courses.  I.C.E. Handgun training is Intermediate, Competence, & Enhanced pistol skills.  The course includes classroom instruction and several hours of live fire practice on the range.  Time:  6 hours    Target audience: Individuals who are legally able to own and use pistols and who have attended a Basic Pistol Shooting Course or who is proficient in basic pistol shooting skills.  Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

104 NRA Basic Rifle Course - The course teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude for the safe use of a rifle in target shooting. The course includes classroom and range instruction and provides the participants with rifle knowledge and safe gun handling, ammunition knowledge, rifle shooting fundamentals, shooting positions, and shooting sports and activities. Time: 8hours    Target audience: Individuals who would like to learn about rifle shooting. Participants under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

105 NRA FIRST Steps Rifle Course - Firearm Instruction, Responsibility, and Safety Training is the NRA's response to the need for a firearms orientation course for owners of a new rifle, to provide individual hands on training to a specific rifle.  Time:  3 hours   Target audience:  Individuals who recently acquired a rifle who would like one on one training with that specific rifle. 

106 NRA Basic Shotgun Course - The course teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude for the safe and proper use of a shotgun in shooting a moving target.  The course includes classroom and range instruction to learn how to shoot shotguns at moving targets.  The course provides the participants with shotgun  parts and operation knowledge, safe gun handling, shotgun shell components and malfunctions, shooting fundamentals, shooting straight away and at angled targets, fiream cleaning, and shooting sports and activities.  Time:  10 hours   Target audience:  Individuals who would like to learn about shooting a shotgun at moving targets. Participants under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

107 NRA FIRST Steps Shotgun Course - Firearm Instruction, Responsibility, and Safety Training is the NRA's response to the need for a firearms orientation course for owners of a new shotgun to provide individual, hands on training to a specific shotgun, to be able to shoot moving targets. Time: 3 hours Target audience: Individuals who recently acquired a shotgun who would like one on one training with that specific gun. 

108 US Concealed Carry Association Basic Handgun Course - This a basic handgun course created by the USCCA to provide participants with an efficient course that provides basic fundamentals for pistol shooting.  Time: 4.5 hours.   Target audience: Individuals who are legally able to own and use pistols. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 


110  NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading Course - The course teaches beginning reloaders the basic knowledge, skill, and attitude needed to safely reload metallic cartridges.  This course is conducted in the classroom and each participant is taught reloading safety, centerfire cartridge components, using the reloading manual and reloading data, equipment, and the metallic cartridge reloading process.   Time:  8 hours   Target audience:  Individuals who are interesting in learning the basics of reloading metallic cartridges. 


111  NRA Basic Shotgun Shell Reloading Course - The course teaches beginning reloaders the basic knowledge, skill and attitude needed to safely reload shotgun shells.  This course is conducted in the classroom and each participant is taught reloading safety, shotgun shell components, using the reloading manual and reloading data, equipment, and the shotgun shell reloading process.   Time:  8 hours   Target audience:  Individuals who are interesting in learning the basics of reloading shotgun shells.



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