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We provide NRA, USCCA, and Centerpoint basic training courses for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. We also provide individualized training for all firearms.  The basic courses provide the participants the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude needed for owning and using a firearm safely.  The basic courses are designed for the new shooter or a shooter that would like to learn the proper way to use and own a firearm safely.  We also offer intermediate firearms training for those looking to improve on their basic fundamentals.



The Personal Protection courses include the NRA Personal Protection In the Home Course (Home Defense),  NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Course (Concealed Carry), NRA Defensive Pistol Course, Centerpoint Self Defense Shotgun Course, and the US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Concealed Carry Course.  Each course provides a unique opportunity to learn the proper way to use a firearm in defense of self and your family. A basic introduction to Simunition Training is provided as an option in each Personal Protection Course.



We proud to offer courses for churches, businesses, schools, and community organizations and members to thwart and react to an active shooter event in their area.  The courses use several known responses including the Run, Hide, Fight and Avoid, Deny, Defend concepts as well as good background information on mass shooting events since Columbine.



Simunition Training is the cutting edge of force-on-force defensive and personal protection training.  This realistic training was only available to law enforcement and military until recently.  CENTERPOINT is proud to be able to utilize the Simunition Training program and equipment to provide the most advanced training to the law abiding citizens to prepare themselves for an armed defensive situation.  This training is offered above and beyond most conventional training programs. 



Our NRA Training Counselors are available to provide NRA Instructor Training to individuals. We provide instructor training to Scout Leaders, 4H Leaders, other Youth organization leaders, and to any individual that would like to continue the NRA legacy of basic firearms training to citizens legally able to own and use a firearm. 



We offer several safety seminars for organizations to include Refuse To Be A Victim, Home Firearms Safety, and the Eddie the Eagle Kids Program.  For more information or to set up a seminar for your organization, please contact us. 



We provide a customized safety & security training program for churches.  Our program includes a comprehensive evaluation and assessment, greeter/usher training in observation and situational awareness, communication plans, emergency preparedness, and training for an armed security team.   The program can be customized to your church's desires and needs. 



We provide Range Safety Officer Training, Range Operations for your event or organization, and assistance with Range Administration.  Centerpoint Range Safety Officers are available to help with your range or event and we can provide personnel to work with Range Owners to set up all range administrative functions including range standard operating procedures (SOPs); establishing range rules and regulations, organizational information, emergency procedures and response plans, range inspections, and proper range safety briefings for your facilities.  

"Quality safety, training, and protection programs and seminars for law abiding citizens and professionals "

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